Analysis Team Presents Sessions on Essbase and Hyperion at SROAUG

Analysis Team presented two sessions on Oracle Essbase and Hyperion at the Southern Region Oracle Applications Users Group (SROAUG) Conference and Training Day in Irvine, California.

Dave Stark, President of Analysis Team, presented “Oracle Essbase: Achieving Management Excellence.” Essbase is a powerful and highly customizable tool that has been a favorite of Fortune 500 CFOs for years to do reporting, performance analysis, forecasting and planning. In his presentation, Dave explained how Essbase can be deployed beyond Finance and be an effective component of an overall Business Intelligence and Enterprise Performance Management architecture. His presentation included an overview of how Essbase works and case studies that illustrate benefits that companies have actually achieved.

Hanwen Chen, Analysis Team Senior Consultant, presented “DRM and Hyperion Planning: Super-Manage Master Data.” DRM refers to Hyperion Data Relationship Management, a foundational tool that supports leading practices in data governance by providing the ability to manage and integrate master data enterprise-wide. Using a case study example, Hanwen explained how DRM can be used with Hyperion Planning to automate maintenance of the planning model’s hierarchies and member attributes.

Founded in 1995, Analysis Team is a leading provider of Business Intelligence and Enterprise Performance Management consulting services with a long history of delivering Oracle Essbase and Hyperion EPM solutions for clients. For a copy of the full presentations, contact Analysis Team at